Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Years in Disney


I am going to be at Disney during new years. I am going with my boyfriend (He is 23, I%26#39;m 20). We are in need of suggestions for what we should do. We already have the trip booked. We are debating going to the Cinderella lunch. Suggestions please!

New Years in Disney


I would suggest MGM studios. It%26#39;s a rather small park but the Tower of Terror ride is very good. You may also like the stunt car show and eating at the Sci -fi dine-in. You can go on an airboat ride in the swamps. I hear they go up to 45 miles per hour! I also hear there is a really good comedy club at pleasure island in Downtown Disney. Hope you have a great trip.

New Years in Disney

Hello 5 feet,

Pleasure Island would be a great choice however you have to be 21 to join the New Year%26#39;s Eve party.

All the parks will be packed so I recommend you don%26#39;t wait until late in the day to enter as you may risk not getting in at all. There will be DJ%26#39;s at MGM and Epcot along with special New Years Eve Fantasmic lazer light show at MGM Studios. Book your dining reservation now as many of the times are probably already taken. The Cinderella lunch would be cute, however I don%26#39;t recommend the Magic Kingdom on New Years Eve as it is body to body. You might want to consider dining at one of the Epcot restaurants, such as Le Cellier in Canada, or if your looking for a character meal The Garden Grill in Epcot. If you decide to spend the day at MGM the 50%26#39;s Prime Time Cafe is a great, fun choice as ';Mom'; will remind you to take your elbows off the table or tell you to clean your plate. For a list of restaurants and menu%26#39;s go to There%26#39;s also more New Years Eve information.

We ended up booking a cinderella breakfast on the 31st. We haven%26#39;t figured out what to do since then...

Epcot will be the park which handles the huge crowds the best, because of its size and ';two parks in one'; layout. You might want to try visiting it on the really crowded days.

Each park will do something special on NYE, so check out the different activities and see which park suits you. However, you need to get to that park early in the day and stay there, as capacity will probably be reached later in the day and you won%26#39;t be able to get in.

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