Monday, April 23, 2012

sanibel beaches; sandy or rocky?

I hear there are a lot of shells along the beach, I guess that would mean the water entrance is sort of rocky instead of sandy. any info would be helpful. thank you.

sanibel beaches; sandy or rocky?

White sand with shells scattered about. No rocks other than the jetty at Blind Pass.

sanibel beaches; sandy or rocky?

As Skoorb said, not rocky at all, but the shells can be hard on the feet. Some places, especially where the surf is washing up, there are lots of little shell pieces. Further up near the dunes the sand is all soft.

The rocks up at Blind Pass were placed there in hopes of easing beach erosion thru what was then a cut from the Gulf to the bayside that was later filled with sand when hurricane Georges shifted the sand bars several years ago and winter storms finsihed the job. It will be repoened next year by the Arny Corps of Engineers. The water thru the cut had a very fast and strong current when it was open, especially as it narrowed as the sand filled it in. It was a favorite shelling spot for me for many years and since the rocks were quarried coquina stone and mostly regular in shape you could climb down to the water 10+ feet below.

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