Saturday, April 21, 2012

BlueGreen Owners - What do you think?

We just purchased ownership with BlueGreen and are wondering what current owners think of the vacation club. We didn%26#39;t do our due diligence beforehand, and have now seen lots of negative reviews around the web. We have six days to change our mind, according to the legalese, so if we can still get out and we need to, I need to do it now. Any advice? Thanks!

BlueGreen Owners - What do you think?


we have been members with Bluegreen since the purchased Oasis Lakes now The Fountains in Orlando and have had no real problems infact it came at just the right time as the Oasis Lakes apparment is far to big now the kids have grown up (just a tip if you go to the Fountains and need a larger appartment request one in Building 3 or 4 these are the original Airtours Oasis Lakes buildings and are much larger than the new ones but we have also stayed in the new ones which are to a very high standard)

We are silver members with Bluegreen and have also been to Harbough Lights , surfside and just back from La cabana in Aurba.

We have always been able to book the resort we have wanted which is important to us as we live in the Uk and have fixed holidays so it is a case of sorting the air fares on the net and phoning Bluegreen at same time to confirm accom. Any problems we have had at resort have been delt with quickly.

I can only say we have had no problems and hope that you dont change your minds and go enjoy yourselves and dont forget the gret offer of Bonus time we have used this when we were sort of points we had a great week at the Fountains last sept half with points and the rest on bonus time I ask you where can you get accom of that standard to sleep 6/8 for $59 a night !!!!!

all the best and go enjoy

Phillip Smith

BlueGreen Owners - What do you think?

Don%26#39;t know much about Blue Green, but I inherited some timeshares a few years ago and they are tough to sell for anything near what you paid for them. Also, don%26#39;t forget to add the maintenance fees in when figuring out your costs, they can get pretty high. There are several website that re-sell timeshares....

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