Saturday, April 21, 2012

Best Animal Kingdom touring plan

I was wondering if anyone has a great touring plan for Animal Kingdom. We would like to see Kilimanjaro safaris, Lion King show, Dinosaur, It%26#39;s Tough to be a Bug, Kali River Rapids, Triceratops Spin, Primeval whirl, and Expedition Everest. I heard you should start your day with Kilimanjaro safaris. How should we procede after this ? Do any of these attractions have Fast Pass? Thanks for any imput. We will be going in June. This is the only park we have never been to. Do you get soaked on Kali River? If so maybe we should save that one for last?

Best Animal Kingdom touring plan

try you type in the date you are going and it will give you a complete touring plan. think there is a small charge but not much

Best Animal Kingdom touring plan

You are correct to begin your day doing the safari, as the animals are most active early in the day during the hot months.

Plan the rest of your day around the shows you want to see, like the Lion King show, the Flights of Wonder show, and the new Finding Nemo show which will be open by June.

Go to Everest and get a fastpass for it early, and possibly get the Kali River Rapids done early, or swap these and do Everest early and get the Fastpass for Kali River Rapids. Yes, you do get totally soaked on this ride, so find a way to keep your shoes dry and the rest of you will dry out quickly in the afternoon heat. If you do want to leave this one for later in the day, you%26#39;ll definitely want a fast pass for it.

Dinosaur doesn%26#39;t have the lines it once had due to Everest opening, and Triceratops Spin and Primeval Whirl are in that same area, so you should probably try to do them together.

Hope this info helps. It%26#39;s not a complete touring guide, but just some suggestions.

Thanks so much to you both for your suggestions. Will keep all this info. in mind when drawing out a plan. Looking forward to seeing Animal Kingdom this time. We heard it is fun and the shows are super.

Hello cindy,

Definitely grab your fast pass for Expedition first thing, depending on crowd levels they%26#39;ve been known to sell out quickly!

Thanks so much for the tip on Expedition Ever. My hubby and kids would be upset if we missed it because of crowds.

They also have single rider line on Expedition Everest - it opens mid-late morning once the crowds have built up. We managed to ride it lots of times using this.


%26gt; They also have single rider line on Expedition Everest - it opens mid-late morning once the crowds have built up %26lt;

I think Disney may have done away with the EE single riders line..I saw no evidence of it in Sept and rode EE am and pm at varying times. Having said that the crowds never built up due to it being off season.


%26gt; We heard it is fun and the shows are super. %26lt;

Don%26#39;t miss Festival of the Lion King, it is a stunning show for all ages and in my view worth the admission money for that show alone. I have seen it many times over the last two years and its a must do.

I also think AK is a beautiful park to wander round, the grounds are amazing and you can miss so much by running from attarction to attraction so make sure your touring plan allows an opportunity to enjoy the surroundins.

Also, watch out for Camp Minnie Mickey ( site of FoTLK ), whilst the entire AK consists of narrow and winding paths, Camp MM is a real bottle neck.....theres only one way in and out and it struggles to cope with the crowds at the end of FoTLK shows.

I would suggest going directly to E.E then Dinosaur, head over to the Safari and make a fast pass decision. If the Lion King has not yet started it%26#39;s daily run, head to the bugs. If you fastpassed safari go back and then queue up for Lion King( a great presentation) Oh! and don%26#39;t forget to eat. Tusker House is centrally located.. Save Kali until you just about ready to wach the parade and leave.(You WILL get very wet)

Want my best tip?

Go early, before they open. Don%26#39;t wait in the long lines. Go in to the Rain Forrest cafe and go to the back of the store and there is an entrance to to park. You and three other people will be there and you can zoom right through and head to Everest way ahead of the crowds. My family was awed by this one. We went this last June and this was a life saver cause this park can get hot very quickly.

In reference to the opening of the new ride The Seas With Nemo and Friends, it is due to open at Epcot in mid-October for season ticket holders and possibly late October for everyone else. The family oriented ride ';will take visitors on a relaxing voyage through an undersea world, where Nemo gets lost again and his father, Marlin and friends find him again.'; It mixes high-tech animation with the current aquarium. The ride is housed in Epcots sea pavilion. The entire pavilion is getting a makeover based entirely on Nemo....and in my opinion the best part for me will be seeing the new robotic seagulls (from the movie) stand out in front yelling....Mine...Mine...Mine! (highlight of the movie for me). There will also be a Finding Nemo stageshow at Animal Kingdom previewing in November and opening in January...just thought you%26#39;d like to know if you are Nemo fans.................:)

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