Thursday, April 19, 2012

my sobe trip report, haiku...kinda

I just returned from my Columbus Day Weekend in SoBe/MIA. It was a great! I must say though, if you want to get a lot of well-manicured raised eyebrows from locals, just say you came to Southbeach alone, ha! So I decided to post my itinerary to show that sobe can be fun alone and in the daylight, no less! Check it out:鈥?/a>

A funny story:

A few months ago I won some luggage tags from TripAdvisor. As I%26#39;m sitting on the bus leaving the MAM to go to my hotel, a nice local with fuschia hair sits beside me, and upon noticing my TA luggage tags asks, ';do you work for'; Of course I could have embellished and said yeah and say that me and AdvisorGirl are like this *does the ';like this'; hand symbol* but I just said, no...but I%26#39;m on that website...a lot! We both had a good laugh.

What I will miss:

--the sound of reggaeton rhythms booming from the cars passing by (and me wishing the red light was a bit longer so I could figure out the name of the song)

--the chill pedestrian traffic...everyone walked at their own pace and I never felt like I was in the way...unlike in some cities (hi, NYC!)

--the beauty of the beaches and water

--being closer to the Oprah-sphere than I currently am locationwise

--cab drivers with cool accents sharing taxicab wisdom

Things I%26#39;m a little ambivalent about my visit:

--having to actually hail a bus! This should be in all the tourist manuals on Miami. If you are merely standing by the bus stop sitting pretty and waiting, the bus will not stop. You have to actually flag it down--blew my mind. I also learned that it helps to not wear shades b/c the bus drivers really need to see that hopeful look in your eye as well.

--showing up to a restaurant *hungry* is a bad idea. The waiting combined with a hunger headache is a deadly combination. By the end of Day 2 I made use of the Walgreens near by so I could always have aspirin and bottled water with me to get me through the restaurant waits.

--the random evening shower--luckily it happened to me at the end of my last night...and I must say, perhaps I am a wimp...but I%26#39;ve never felt rain drops that cold! Amazing!

all in all, it was a great few days. Thanks to everyone on TA for helping me plan my trip!

my sobe trip report, haiku...kinda

Hiya Road!

Listen -

You and AdvisorGirl are likeThis *does the ';likeThis'; hand symbol*

Great go-list and trip report! You are a brave soul to have endured our public bus service! As a daily driver and a pedestrian, I have a genuine fear of those things...

I am sitting here at 5am (don%26#39;t ask - early doings today) just thrilled to read you%26#39;re weekend turned out so well!

Thanks for taking the time to offer feedback. I%26#39;ll be sure to link to the list to give new visitors the benefit of your experience.

Please come back and see us again!



my sobe trip report, haiku...kinda

awww shucks,

thanks for the props, AG--and at 6am, no less!

I can%26#39;t wait to get time I will definitely explore North Miami Beach. I haven%26#39;t heard much about the area...and I have a feeling I may have to get a rental (*groan*) After my Vizcaya visit, i definitely want to check out the spanish monastery and after my big pink time...i hear there is this ';unique diner'; in NMB that you swear you stepped into twilight zone and feel you%26#39;re in the 50s...adventure awaits!

One more thing I will miss from my visit, is those cute little lizards! I%26#39;m an urbanite but I%26#39;ll admit that seeing squirrels run around the parks makes me happy and seeing the lizards zoom across the ground gave me the same reaction...urban wildlife! I have a few artfully done pics of the mini dinosaurs at Vizcaya.

oh to be back!


  • curly hair
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