Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kat-Cubs-Fan, your trip review

I%26#39;m just wondering if you wrote your trip review about your meals yet? I had read at one point that you were going to do that but I was away for a few days and I can%26#39;t see it anywhere if you did. I just didn%26#39;t want to miss it, you have been a great help in my trip planning and I really enjoyed reading the other parts of your trip review. = )

Kat-Cubs-Fan, your trip review

Hey Krieg,

I used to live on Jelinek Ave in Schofield/Weston.

Small world!

Kat-Cubs-Fan, your trip review

It is a really small world.... believe it or not, I live just off of East Jelinek Ave. Near Camp Philips Road. I%26#39;m sure you don%26#39;t miss the weather.... only in the 30%26#39;s right now with snow flurries.


No, I%26#39;ve not finished it yet, sad to say. I%26#39;ve gotten somewhat busy here at work and, boy, you%26#39;d think they%26#39;d let me get back to my real job....helping you all plan trips!! Gee, the things employers require!! ;%26gt;)

I%26#39;ll see if I can finish it this week. I know I keep promising, but I will post it. I%26#39;d better finish before I forget everything.

Let me summarize by saying the meal plan was really great, except we wound up with 10 credits left....we couldn%26#39;t eat that much food!! After eating the table service meals each day, we were so stuffed, we could eat another counter service meal on top of that each day. We did use all the table service and snack credits however.

I%26#39;ll do the food review in the big review.

I%26#39;ll look forward to reading that also.I too have been wondering has something happend to Kat Cubs.Glad to hear its only work stopping you from writing your

I can%26#39;t wait to read it. You just need to tell your employer that you have people anxiously awaiting that trip review. I%26#39;m sure they won%26#39;t make you work so hard after you tell them that. LOL. Anyhow, thanks for replying... I just didn%26#39;t want to miss out on anything. I%26#39;ll keep watching. Have a good day.

You%26#39;ll be happy to hear I worked on my dining report during my ';lunch hour'; today and will be posting it before days end. I just need to ';reproof'; it one more time.

Keep watching!!

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